May 2018
Net Lease Stays Steady

By Joe Gose, Shopping Center Business
Jeffrey Thomas was recently featured in the May issue of the Shopping Center Business story, “Net Lease Stays Steady.” Read the excerpt below:
The best price of debt for the best net lease properties with investment grade tenants already has increased some 25 basis points to around 4.25 percent from last year, says Jeffrey Thomas, founder of Seattle-based Thomas Company. And they’re only going to rise from there, he predicts.
“The speed at which those changes can occur can slow things down because there’s going to be a disconnect between buyer and seller expectations,” he cautions. “We know people that have a real need to transact, but they’re taking time to digest some of these investments, especially the larger deals.”
While sellers over the past several months have largely refused to budge on price, Thomas says that some are beginning to quietly re-engage previously interested buyers with sweetened deals. That typically marks the start of a broader re-pricing process, he adds.
Read the full article at Shopping Center Business >>
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